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By Lopez Campillo 18 May, 2023
In an unexpected turn of events that threatened the stability of our client, a company dedicated to manufacturing auto parts and a Tier 1 supplier for one of the world's largest automakers, a group of employees staged an illegal strike, disrupting operations.
By Lopez Campillo 18 May, 2023
As co-defendants in a damages lawsuit, our esteemed client, a renowned auto parts manufacturer and Tier 1 supplier to major vehicle manufacturers in Mexico, faced a legal challenge under the jurisdiction of Mexico City. Recognizing the importance of conducting legal proceedings within the jurisdiction where their production plant is situated, our client sought our firm's defense and assistance in managing the lawsuit. With a focus on safeguarding our client's interests, we filed a motion to declare lack of jurisdiction, seeking the transfer of the case to the competent judge in their home state, a key hub for vehicle production in northern Mexico. Despite the initial rejection by the Mexico City judge, we persisted and appealed the ruling. Our unwavering determination and compelling arguments yielded success, as the appeal was granted, and the Mexico City judge was declared incompetent. Consequently, the case was transferred to the state of Coahuila, where our client's operations are based. This legal victory brought about significant advantages for our client: Cost reduction: By transferring the lawsuit to the local jurisdiction, substantial cost reductions associated with litigating in a distant location were achieved. Appropriate litigation venue: Compelling the plaintiff to litigate in Coahuila instead of Mexico City enabled our client to face the trial in a familiar environment near their production plant, where they possessed a better understanding of the local legal system. Streamlined evidence presentation: The transfer of the lawsuit facilitated our client in presenting and substantiating their evidence with greater ease, eliminating potential logistical obstacles due to their geographical proximity. Enhanced control of the trial: Operating within their local jurisdiction, our client enjoyed improved control and supervision over the judicial process, ensuring more effective legal representation and a robust defense. We take pride in accomplishing this successful jurisdictional transfer, guaranteeing that our client received fair and equitable treatment. At Lopez Campillo Firm, we remain dedicated to providing effective legal solutions and protecting our clients' interests at all times. If you are interested in receiving consultancy, you can book a call with us:
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